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Wrinkly Bulldog Experience

Adding a new member to your family is a difficult decision. We make things easy for you, by turning this process into an experience you will never forget.

As a differentiating element in the market, we are the only kennel that sends updated photos and videos every 10-12 days. In this way you can see the growth and development of the new member of your family step by step from the moment of reservation until the day that you are ready to have your puppy in your arms.

In the following video, we show the Wrinkly Bulldogs Experience that the beautiful family of Danielle D’Eramo & Anthony D ’Eramo from Newport (Rhode Island) is living with their dog, Wrinkly Penelope. On 12/24/15 Danielle contacted us through social networks as they were looking for a little sister for their English Bulldog Frankie. We explained how the whole process was and that same day they made the reservation for Wrinkly Penelope, who was just born. From the day of the reservation, we send you updated photos and videos every 10-12 days, until the day we made the delivery personally in Miami, Fl. Today 5 years later, Wrinkly Penelope has been the perfect complement for the family.

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